Friday, November 12, 2010

Hot 100 update and thoughts

Update on my goals:

1. Lose 36 pounds to get to 249.

Lost 11 pounds this week, got rid of a lot of water.

2.  Walk 100 miles.

Nearly half way there, will be past that after today's 5k timing.

3.  Get 5k time down to 43 minutes.

Phew!  This one's going to be a challenge.  Last timing was last Friday @ 50:51.  I was pleased!  The one before that was 54:00!

A few thoughts based on a book I am currently reading and some of my own experience:

Food is not inherently evil. A pecan sticky bun or a creme filled donut is not the devil in food clothing. Food is meant to be pleasurable, tasty, satisfying. It shouldn't cast one into despair or leave one with waves of guilt.

Do you ever substitute chemical food for the genuine article?  How does it make you feel?  Think of one of your favorite recipes. It has butter, bacon, real sour cream, chicken thighs instead of breasts. You've just made that for your family and made the "lighter" version for yourself - chicken breasts, Smart Beat, turkey bacon, fat free sour cream. You take one bite and watch as your family enjoys what that bite SHOULD taste like.  How do you feel?  Deprived?  Resentful?  Self-pitying?  Wouldn't it have been better for you to have a "light" portion instead of a "light" version?  To have the real taste you LOVE instead of the fake taste you can have a little more of?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not advocating a total abandonment of chemicals. For example, I will NEVER gain weight from what I drink. I simply refuse to waste calories that way when the calorie free substitutes are to me just as satisfying.

Today for dinner I could have had a turkey burger and a piece of fruit instead of the angle hair pasta with meat sauce and a lovely biscuit and Caesar salad my family had. There are days when I'm willing to make that sacrifice and spend the extra time cooking, but today wasn't one of them and that's okay!

What is a "real" food on which you will not compromise?


  1. "Wouldn't it have been better for you to have a "light" portion instead of a "light" version?"

    I hadn't heard it put that way before, but I really like that. I found that if I try to make a "light" version and it doesn't really taste good... it doesn't matter HOW much more I eat, it just never really satisfies and I want to keep eating, or rummaging for something else.

    I finally admitted to myself that I do NOT truly like turkey bacon. I also do not like the deadly nitrates and stuff in regular bacon. So we found a natural bacon without all that. It may be more expensive, but now I eat far less of it than I used to! So it all evens out in the long run. :-)


  2. I've never thought about it that way either.. I've been really focused lately on recipes that take some of my favorite meals and make them healthier with substitutions. The ones that taste awful get scrapped, but some have been amazingly close and we are keeping those. Great week, keep it up!!

  3. Hey, Millie! Here you are! I couldn't find you... I had your last blogspot bookmarked and kept going back there. I finally saw your post on my site with this link. I like it! Now, stay put. You know the first rule to being found when lost is to be still. :)

    I would prefer a "light portion" instead of a "light version" as well. The only thing is the "quantity vs quality" debate. Even though I know I would be better satisfied with the "light portion" as far as taste, I'm afraid it would be only momentary, and I would be hungry again. The advantage to the "light version" is staying satiated longer.

    I guess it could be a trade off, especially for things that you really want to endulge in.

    Gotta run... I'll check back it later.

  4. WOW! I am going to have to read this site a little better to see what you did to lose 11 pounds in one week! Water-weight or not... 11 pounds gone is 11 pounds gone, and who doesn't have some water-weight to lose? (Although, I doubt it was water-weight in your case- I would attribute it to all this swimming you have added to your exercise.)

    I sure wish I wasn't so isolated sometimes. I would love to have a gym to visit where I could exercise, especially in the pool. I think that's exactly what I need.

  5. Hey Stef.... I actually DO have an answer about that point... whether or not the "light portion" would be as satisfying as the "light version".

    Answer: YES! The reason is... the light version is almost always LOW FAT.

    The healthy dietary fats are the very thing that give us the satiety we need.

    A little healthy fat lasts a LONG time as far as satiety. Whereas the light version takes out the fat, and replaces it with a carb or a chemical (if you don't believe me, just try reading the labels the carton of, say, sour cream--regular vs fatfree).

    Anyway, it simply takes few minutes longer for the satiety to kick in on a small portion of a full fat dish. But it will stick to your ribs longer. And be healthier than the fat-free higher carb/chemical version.

    So in the long run, you you will end up eating a little less volume BUT enjoying it MORE, and be less hungry. In this way, quality wins out over quantity.

    Anyway, that's my story, an' I'm sticking to it, LOL!!
    Works for me.:-)

  6. Ah, valuable info here. Keep it comin'!

    Don't worry, Stef. I'm staying right here. I'm just getting used to it and starting to enjoy it.

  7. Down five more this week! This was my third weigh-in with my low-carb group. I think it is the longest I have kept focus in a LONG, LONG time. Thanks for always being there and encouraging me.

    Now, post an update. I want to know how your training is coming along.
